The Artistic MURANO Glass is more than 1000 years old and yet it can express beauty and colour in an original and fashionable way. It adapts to the steady change of the taste and of the creative possibilities.
The modern process of industrial production have sometimes dimmed the real core of the MURANO glass manufacturing: high manual skills, fine knowledge of the hand-working techniques of the glass, preservation of the ancient tradition transmitted from Master to Master over the centuries.
The Artistic MURANO Glass is manufactured in furnaces that produce handcrafted glass works, without industrial process: only the hands and the traditional expertise of the glass Masters allow a production of pieces that are exclusive, unique and bound to increase their value during the years.
Glass is made mainly from sand, soda and lime. Simple raw materials which thanks to man's sense of beauty and expertise, acquire character and distinction inside the furnace
The Artistic MURANO Glass is coloured in mass by including, during the melting process, colouring agents. The colour does not change or alter even after several years, there is no risk of chromatic impoverishment due to the cold working application of coloured varnish or ceramic enamels.
In detail, the milk glass is hand-worked through several "levade" (Murano's dialect word that refers to the superimposing of layers of glass obtained by dipping the glass in various glass pots). In this way, the final effect is an extraordinary variety and final quality in the shades of colours and nuances. A result impossible to achieve in the industrial glass production.
The thickness of the Artistic MURANO Glass can not be always perfectly regular because they are created by the hand of Masters and not by mechanical automatisms. The distinguishing mark means quality and not inaccuracy, creative uniqueness and not cold mechanical clonation.
The glass Masters are proud to be creators of beauty and each day they melt in the glass the ancient, innermost ambition of the perfect work.
For more informations and inquiries please contact us
